Sales Agent Licensing Education
Licensing & Prep Package — $244.50
The Licensing & Prep enrollment includes:
Our Educational Package - Principles, Practice, & Legal Aspects (recommended elective)
- Real Estate Practice — Our New Practice course, totally online and futureproof, includes all study material mandated for you to apply to take the state DRE licensing exam:
- Access for All: A Fair Housing Game™ — Online 24/7,gamification avoids live instructor arrangements
- Implicit Bias — a concepts video. online and dynamic
The State Exam Training Prep Book and Practice Exams
ft Prep App, optimized for your phone
This purchase does not include the Online Video Crash Course or Concept Audio Glossary
A copy of our Career Manual helps you build a sustainable career by creating your brand and setting your income goals
You qualify to take the State Exam by completing 3 courses
Licensing Education Package
in print and e-book,
by Realty Publications, Inc
You train for the State Exam by reviewing Prep materials
State Exam Training Package
Our Prep Book and online tools will give you the confidence you need to pass the State Exam with a 70% or greater — on your first try.
The Prep Book contains:
- extensive multiple choice questions weighted between the study topics covered on the State Exam;
- answers and feedback for every question;
- critical facts on State Exam procedures;
- a Real Estate Glossary of fundamental real estate vocabulary likely to appear on the State Exam;
- a real estate mathematics supplement; and tips and strategies for taking the State Exam and successfully structuring your studies.
An unlimited number of practice exam are also available online. Focus your training on the topics you need to improve with the Topical Practice Exams. Push yourself with the Simulated State Exams which pull from a bank of 1,200+ sample questions. Each attempt contains different questions in different sequences.