Sales Agent State Exam
Training Package
Welcome to State Exam Training, by firsttuesday
- These training packages are prep materials for the Sales Agent's State Exam
- All you need to prepare for and pass the State Exam
- If you are preparing to take the Broker State Exam, click here
The State Exam Training packages we offer
To get started, select one of the following packages
- The training methods in each package are detailed below
- One-year online access to training course materials
Consists of six interrelated methods of training
- 1. Online Video Crash Course
- 2. Prep Book
- 3. Practice Exams
- 4. ft Prep App
- 5. Games and Flash Cards
- 6. Concept Audio Glossary
Consists of only two methods of training
Your training explained — all six methods
- Benefit from our topflight prerecorded crash course at home, from your computer or smart device, at your schedule
- Over 12 hours of online content in 100+ instructional videos, ranging from 4 to 14 minutes in length
- Covers all seven categories of the State Exam
- Tips and tricks to help you reach the correct answers
- Chronology of videos correspond to Prep Book questions
- New videos constantly added, with bonus Office Hours supplements
- Available both in print and as an online e-book for your training
- The book contains 1,200+ multiple-choice questions weighted between the seven topics as allocated by the DRE in the State Exam
- The book contains a glossary with definitions and references to related Prep Book questions
- Our Prep Book covers
- Fundamental real estate vocabulary likely to appear on the State Exam
- Critical facts on DRE State Exam Procedures
- A real estate math section
- Tips and strategies for taking the State Exam and your pre-exam last-minute review
- A brand new bank of challenge questions — perfect preparation for the Sales Agent Exam
- Take initial diagnostic exam — determines your weak topics
- Retake exams until retained — no practice limit
- Performance is rated for each State Exam topic
- Questions randomized and pulled from our Prep Book's entire bank of over 1,200+
- Answers explained in detail
- Highlights exactly where to best focus for improvement
- Full simulated exams which replicate the exact structure and format of the DRE Exam
- Take practice exams optimized for your phone, pulling from 1,200+ multiple choice questions with full explanations
- Engineered to fit in the palm of your hand
- Turn everywhere you go into a portable classroom
- Practice your way with a diagnostic exam, full simulated exam, or exams by topic
- Revisit the questions you missed until they are mastered
- Level up as you get on a hot streak of questions answered correctly
- Track your level of comprehension in each topical category by earning badges as you improve your performance
- Interactive real estate flashcards and games

- Digital Real Estate Flashcards:
- Build up your retention easier and faster with our massive high-end bank of flashcards
- Test your understanding of terminology used on State Exams
- Quickly learn the definition for words from our glossary of real estate terminology, built on what has been seen on the State Exam
- PreppedUp™ video game:
- Place your wager and test your mastery of real estate terminology likely to appear on the State Exam
- Gamification increases your knowledge of the seven topical categories, and flexes your recall speed
- RealtyPop™ video game:
- Fast-paced gameplay makes learning fun, with answers fully explained
- Rack up points by quickly answering State Exam questions and popping blocks
- JargonDrop™ video game:
- Play through all nine levels spread across three unique stages which increase in difficulty
- Become more confident with the terminology as you race against others for the fastest completion time
- 60+ crossword puzzles:
- Take crosswords by topic to drill down into specific real estate concepts
- Challenge yourself by working randomized puzzles which pull clues from all crosswords
- Immerse yourself in the language of real estate — terms, concepts, exam jargon and more
- Listen anywhere on your phone — during commutes, at the gym, doing chores
- Over 5 hours of highly specialized real estate terms and concepts likely to appear
on the State Exam
- We give the broader context, not just academic definitions
- Organized in accordance with the seven topical sections of the State Exam
- Isolate your problem topics then become the expert
- Delivered by a DRE-licensed real estate instructor, talented and with over 40 years of experience and expertise
- Easy-to-understand discussions, plus application of how the terms will be
depicted on the State Exam - Includes online access to our 120 page Concept Glossary companion e-book
- Aid your comprehension by studying along with the audio narrative, or reading the e-book or reading the e-book
- Extensive links to further RPI writings, videos and forms to drill down into more details and examples